Monday, May 4, 2009

Coming to a Close

I can not believe that it is finally here. The end of my freshman year at SMU. It seems like only last month, I was saying good bye to my parents out front of Moody Coliseum and heading off to corral. Now here I am getting ready to pack up and head back home. 
This year has been very life changing. I've lived on my own; no parents telling me when and where to be, what to do, etc. I have had to learn to organize my time between work and play. I am glad I took this experience leaving the comfort of my parent's nest and flying on my own, but I am ready to go home though. Not having to worry about what is due the next day and if I want to go out with friends with no academic repercussions.  It will be hard the first few days, getting back under my parents roof, going by their rules, doing things when they want.  It will become routine again and before I know it, I will be back in Dallas, getting ready to go off to corral. This time though I will be the leader, not the scared freshman. 

Kate and 8 minus Jon?

I love Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC. I have seen and can probably quote every episode ever shown. Of course I was shocked to see this article on my Yahoo home page when I logged onto the Internet last Tuesday. 
I was horrified! How could he even think about cheating? What about all of his kids? This lead of course to me googling divorce rates. I found that the media projects that 50% of marriages will end in divorce and there is a 61% chance that the couple has children under the age of 18. For these kids of divorced parents there is a 33% chance that they will drop out of high school.
 I know that seems pretty drastic. I have many friends who have divorced parents and they graduated at the top of the class. I think that divorce can be a tough time for anyone in the family just because everyone feels like it is their fault, that they didn't do something right. I hope for the Gosselins that they will work through their problems and that everything will be fine. I mean who could fight when you have such adorable children? 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Commenting on Twittering and Weight Loss

I just read Dvyrsity's blog about Twittering and Weight Loss. I think it is basically fad. How could you possibly loss weight when you are just sitting on your computer and watching what everyone is doing? I think that this is just a way to get people to join Twitter. 

Commenting on 15 year old Overdose

I just commented on Brittany Spears' post about drug overdose. It is hard to believe that some one so young in life has died because of something stupid like drugs. I hope that people will learn what things like Heroin does to you and how messed up it can/will make you.