Monday, February 23, 2009

Jon Benet Revisited?

Growing up I always wanted to do pageants; I guess it was because I loved getting dressed up and being in the spotlight. Moral of the story is I never was allowed to, so when Toddlers and Tiaras came on TLC, I had to watch. I am not going to lie, I was both enthralled and disgusted. These little 3 and 4 years are getting complexes and that is just wrong. They should be enjoying playing Barbies or playing dress up. Not getting spray tans, and putting on layers of makeup. This of course made me think of little Jon Benet Ramsey.

It is my personal view is pageant such as these should be tamed down, as in no more bathing suit competitions or not requesting so much make up, etc. These little girls learn that they need to look and be perfect, what they should be learning is that they are beautiful no matter how they look. They walk out on stage looking like 20 some-things. Also when watching the show, there are the creepy looking guys in the audience. How is this affecting things like pedophilia? It can’t be helping. I don’t think that pageants will change though. They have been around forever and I feel that they won’t be going away anytime soon. What does anyone else think?


Britney Spears said...

I agree with you. I saw a similar documentary on HBO a few years ago and the whole situation is creepy. It's not even like these girls are teenagers or adults in beauty pageants, they are literally children acting like adults. What is even more bizarre I thought was the mothers. In the documentary I watched, the mothers created a whole new definition for intensity. They kept pushing the little girls when they were tired and showed so much favoritism for their daughters over their other children. I am so happy I didn't have that childhood and I solemnly promise to never do that to my daughters. They literally have the most twisted childhoods, if they even have one at all.

theblogger2 said...

I completely agree with you. I think that pageants have a very bad atmosphere and are sending the wrong messages to the girls and also to the people that are watching the shows. Expecially to the 3 are 4 year olds! That is something I have never heard of. If I were a mother I would never let my child enter a beauty pageant because that would be sending my child the message that if she needed to look pretty she would need a tan and loads of make-up. I think this is one of the things that is corrupting our nations image for girls, making them think that they need to have this "image" for them to look pretty and if they dont have that "image" then they arent, which is completely untrue.

Anonymous said...

Toddlers and Tiaras? Just another example of how cable TV has trashed television. If there are sponsors for this show, bloggers need to join together and boycott the products. The show doesn't need to be toned down; it needs to be turned off and shut down. Yes, I'm sure this is on the Pedophile Top 10 Shows. If you have time to watch a really funny movie about these beauty contests for little girls, you have to rent "Little Miss Sunshine." You would love it.