Thursday, February 19, 2009

If 8 is enough, what about 14?

While flipping through TV Channels recently, I came across the Larry King Live show. Not being one of his biggest fans, I was about to change again when the topic of the show caught my eye: Octuplet Mom’s Agent Threatened.  I immediately became enthralled in the show.  As I came to find out, this woman had received multiple death threats for just helping the Suleman family. I also found out that Nadya wasn’t getting them because all of her mail goes through her PR agent’s office.

Why such a big deal you might ask yourself, but the truth is it is a big deal. Nadya Suleman, who was living with her mom, already had six kids before having the octuplets. She also is currently unemployed. How can she possibly care for 14 kids? Without a job? Currently, they are living on food stamps, and are potently being thrown out of their house for debt. I believe that our taxes dollars should not be support a woman and her herd of children. If she wanted that many kids in the first place, she should have planned better and not get divorced and have her mom take care of that many kids. I know I may seem harsh, but can one mom really adequately give 14 kids all the love and attention they really need? What does anyone else think?  


CC19 said...

I've also been fallowing this story and I think it's just crazy. I have trouble believing God would want people to experiment with fertility drugs to the point that you have 8 kids at once. Maybe the mother thought she would gain such media and fame from her 8-child-birth that they would pay for themselves with endorsements. After all, what mother needs an agent? I think parents today lack a sense of moral responsibility, not just for their kids, but for themselves. I would hate to be one of the fourteen neglected poor children born into a world with parents like these. However, I think trying to find food and shelter for fourteen kids is punishment enough for these people. Good luck to them!

Claire said...

This story is insane! I have watched the show on TLC called “17 Kids and Counting” and it seems so sad to me that the children have to wait for their “special day” of the month to spend alone time with their parents. It is impossible to give your children the love and support that a child needs to grow and flourish into an adult while caring for 16 others kids at the same time.
I personally think it is very irresponsible of Nadya Suleman to have 14 children without having the money to even support herself. It makes me very sad to think that these poor children will not be brought up in a nice, clean environment and the only reason for that is because their mother was irresponsible.
In situations like these, I would love to help, for the children’s sake, but on the other hand, it is up to the mother to take responsibility for her children. No one will ever learn if he or she does not fix his or her own mistakes. I just wish someone would inform Nadya of the consequences her children will face in the future due to her selfish acts as a young adult.
Obviously I feel negatively about this subject because I could not imagine my childhood without the love and support that I received from my parents every day. I can’t imagine not spending time one-on-one with them and I feel so very sorry for these children who don’t get that time with their parents.