Sunday, October 19, 2008

Going Home

Last week, as I was getting my things all together, I realized for the first time that I was packing to go home. This thought really hit me, I would be an outsider to my family, and it was a weird feeling knowing that.  I was excited that I was going home, it was just that Houston wasn’t my current home any more, SMU was.

As I pulled up my driveway, it was nice to see that nothing had changed. It was when I walked into the house, I noticed a change: not the house itself, but the relationship between my family and myself. My parents just seemed awkward around me like they didn’t know how to treat me and my brother just sat there playing a video game. The thought raced across my mind that if my family was like this what would my friends be like.

When I saw my best friend at the homecoming game, I realized that yes we had changed, but we were better friends because of it. We shared all of our experiences that you really couldn’t talk about over a text message or email, and it was just like old times. I was immediately saddened that my family and I hadn’t been like that. I was also worried that my weekend away wouldn’t be relaxing but stressful.

I was actually surprised that as the weekend went on, my family started to act like how we used to be. My mom and I went shopping. My dad and I went and worked out. My brother and I watched movies. By the time I had to leave, I didn’t want to anymore. Now that I am back at school, I have two questions:

Did anyone else feel awkward with their family when they first got home? And will it be like that again when I go home for Thanksgiving?


Genesis said...
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Genesis said...

Well I have a different situation. I live very close to SMU and I have actually been home very often since school started. I'm surprised that your family was so distant from you especially on your first trip back! It seems like they would be overjoyed that you've spread you wings, chosen to come home, and to know that you're still you no matter where you go.
My first weekend home, I noticed a change more in how I felt than how my family was acting. I felt like my house wasn't my own anymore like I was a guest almost that needed to ask permission for things, not that I had to, I just felt that way. My family on the other hand was exactly the same as when I left, of course I went back sooner than in your case but I had still been gone. They were curious, they were inquisitive, focusing lots of attention on me and wondering how things were going. My mom couldn't have been happier and just kept saying "I'm so glad your here" over and over until I was tired of it actually haha and she still does.
I would say that if you keep in contact with your family, call often, email often, and update them with stuff that's going on in your life at least weekly, that it would lessen the chances that they would receive you with such a "cold" welcome next time. You might have already been doing that but that's one thing that might help because relationships take communication. No communication=no relationship or at least less of one. And I would also say that if they did eventually warm up over the weekend, I don't think they'll be as distant when you go back on Thanksgiving. On the contrary I think they'll be much more receptive.

AlmostFamous said...

I actually didn't get the chance to go home for fall break. Instead my mom came to SMU. It was very weird to see her. I hadn't seen her since I was dropped off the first day of school. I noticed that we were closer and I was able to tell her more about school and my life away from home. I stayed in her hotel one of the nights she was here and it was nice to just lay in bed and talk. I didn't realize how homesick I was until I saw her.
It was sad to see my mom go, but I know I will see her soon when I go home for Thanksgiving. I am anxious to see all my friends back home but a little nervous. I hope that it isn't awkward. Also, it has been hard for me to keep up with all my friends. I have noticed that I don't call them that much and barely talk to them online. I have been so busy with school and my social life here that it is hard to find time. I hope that I am not isolated from the group and everything is normal between all of us.